Pinterest vs Creative Commons

there is alot of talk in blogland about pinterest and violation of copyrights. i wanted to address that as i think it suits my blog and pictures from my blog ONLY!

i can understand both sides of the fence, but i'm not naive.  i have always felt that once you post something publicly on the web, you lose the control of where it goes and who is doing what with it. i feel that once i post something on the web, it's really not mine anymore. if i don't want to share, then i don't post.

pinterest's terms of use state that you must have permission or own the rights to pin a picture. by pinning you agree to the terms of use. that's all here, if you want to go check it out for yourself.

i can understand how some artists would take pinterest pinning as a copyright infringement, but to me, quilting is a visual art and we share that passion by posting pictures of what we do in our blogs.  we are inspired by others' fabric combinations, we learn about new patterns, techniques, and books, and heck, we just like to look at pictures of pretty quilts. there is apparently a way to add a code in the html code of a page to disable the ability to pin, so if you want- you can do that. you can add a watermark to uploaded images so that they can not be stolen for use in stock photo sites (i choose to take really bad pictures that are not properly staged with horrible lighting :) )...if you are really serious about protecting your art, there are ways to do that.

i personally use pinterest as a source for all the cool stuff i find out on the web. it puts it in one spot where i can find everything. i use to have to save it all to my hard drive. now it's all in one place where it can be 'policed' by the owner and shared with others. what's so wrong with that?

so that being said- you have permission to pin anything from my blog!! PIN AWAY :) i feel it's a compliment to have someone pin pictures from my blog. my flying goose tutorial has been pinned and repinned many times.  i only ask that you do pin a picture properly so that the source link is my blog. there's nothing more annoying than seeing something on pinterest and wanted to find out more and it has been improperly pinned so the link source is wrong *grr*

ta-dah deja vu

i fixed the build out on the one shirt i didn't like. it was the first one i cut and started sewing, so it's understandable that it wouldn't look right.

 the difference is almost not noticeable when you see the before and after next to each other, but i think it makes a huge difference and is much better. now to finalize the inner border options. i have some fabric on order that i'm waiting to see what it looks like before i decide.

okay, i promise to shut up about this quilt now....


i have all the blocks to let it 'breathe' a bit and see what comes to mind for the inner border.

i'm debating re doing the two sides of the second shirt in the third row....the green coping strips stick out to me.

i think they should be something pieced- maybe pinwheels across the bottom and FG down the side?

my stash threw up

i thought i'd share a pic of my studio during making the lucky quilt....a quarter of my stash lives under Nemo and i have it color coded in drawers. when i need a specific color, i pull the drawer and sit in the floor and go through it til i find the just-right fabric. it's all very scientific...

if you want the full (clean) tour, it's in this post

notice that big empty spot in the middle? care to guess what fits there?
yup, my loyal studio assistant. he has move when i need to get to the purple drawer :)
so here's the latest in progress shot of the lucky quilt. i've decided to not sash and cornerstone for a very good reason.
i've had this 5 yard chunk of paper weight just waiting to go on the back of the perfect quilt...and i have decided the lucky quilt is the lucky quilt ;)  if i sash the blocks the quilt will be to big to fit the yardage i it was a simple design decision :)

i'm also going to sew the label to the backing before i quilt it....i've had a couple of customers bring their quilts to me like that, and i like the idea of the label being 'under' the quilting....i plan on writing a tutorial on how i do it, so stay tuned!


as some may know, blogger has added a two word comment approval verification. i turned mine off cause the second word is a pain, plus it is uber hard to read...i've not had too much trouble with spam comments and i'll just take care of it as they are posted.

but i had to laugh when i got this spam comment on my weed wacker post:

There are a great number of cases of users who end up injuring themselves due to unsafe operating practices of weed wackers all over the world. Eye injury is the most common type of injury caused by propelled debris from the rotating monofilament line. Following these few safety tips can prevent further serious threats from using a weed wacker. 

safety is always a important concern, so i shall be especially careful and wear all proper safety equipment when using my quilt *LOL* that 'propelled debris' is sneaky and will get you every time.... it's all fun and games til someone loses an eye *snicker snort*

lucky dog progress

thanks for all the comments about my lucky dog tshirt quilt.

i decided to just cut the shirt logos to size and piece that into a block that will finish 18inches. i'm thinking i'll sash and cornerstone cause i do want the biggest quilt i can get without it be obvious.

you can see my progress with the shirts down the center.

opinions needed

i'm working on a new quilt and i want some opinions.

i've been collecting lucky shirts for years now, and now that i have 12 i wanted to work on the quilt. my goal is to get it done *fingers crossed* so i can hang it at the top of the steps for march.

my favorite is the dog and crossed bones (middle shirt, second row) i was really pleased to find the 'happy go lucky' shirt (last shirt, second row) because i always said if lucky had been a purebred, that would of been his 'registered' name....

i'm keeping the color scheme green- i have green dog themed fabrics, green fabrics, and shamrock fabrics. i also have the backs of the shirts, which i have if i want to incorporate.

but here's my conundrum:
the logos and shirts are all different sizes. the biggest is 15inches square and the smallest is barely 6inches. i won't be able to cut them out all the same size at all.

so here's what i was thinking- what if i just cut the shirts out in even sizes (6", 8", 12", etc) and then use my green fabrics to build the blocks out to 18 inches. then i could sash the blocks....

do you think it would work and look okay?

someone's already making use of the scrap pile :)


i love making pillowcases for the bed. LA-HOV! so when davis sent me an email asking for cases for the little travel pillows he has, i was all over that like stink on poop. he said the polyester cover was rough. i think he's just spoiled by the soft cotton pillowcases at home *giggle*
i was just happy to be able to make and send him something. he travels so much and lives out of his duffel, so it's hard to send him anything cause he would have to pack it i was more than happy to finally have a chance to make him something he can use.

he asked for something cajun and i had just recently made pillow cases for the house from a mardi gras fabric i found at Hancock's. so that's what i did.

(happy mardi gras to ya! this tuesday is fat tuesday!  Laissez le bon temps rouler.)
his traveling buddy is a huge bama fan, so i picked up some roll tide fabric to make one for him.

it was hard to even buy alabama fabric being a TN girl....but thankfully there wasn't anyone else in the store to see me.

house guests

i am pet setting three cats. davis's daughter had the opportunity to travel to Japan for a couple months and now i'll have in-house dog sitting in trade. lucky is getting old and it's better if he stays here.....

i have been missing Lucy and was thinking that i might like to revisit having a cat in the house.

these three have changed my mind.
they get into everything!! and i totally forgot how stinky cat poo is *whew*

this is Skylar. he's a mean sadistic cat. i trust him about as far as i could throw the house. notice the distance of the photo. he snores when he sounds like someone slowing squeezing and releasing a squeaker's kinda cute, i guess.
this is LeaLou. she finally came out from under the bed. it only took a month. she drools and has a distinctive smell. she's so stealthy that sometimes the only way to know she's in the room, is the smell.

this is Fatsy. he's my favorite. they aren't mine, so i'm allowed to have a favorite. him and barney actually play together. they 'chase' each other around the love seat then Fatsy takes off down the hall, Barney looks all rejected and looks at me whining.

they will be going home soon....

hoppy valentine's day.

 a big *SMOOCH* to my husband!

meanwhile, back at the ponderosa

a few random things all smushed into one long and picture heavy post- bear with me, it'll be worth it :)

don't forget that the deadline for the block swap is approaching....i've been getting squishies in the mail, and i'm warning you now- i guarantee you'll regret not participating!!

if you click on the block picture over there --->
it will take you to the post where all the info can be found
i had three quilts go home.

first, vicky's mystery quilt.
i custom quilted it.
i love the scroll fill in the magenta
and if allow me to gush a little....i LOVE my APQS Millennium long arm machine- look at that perfect tension. *swoon*
then tracey picked up her two quilts.
a teal and brown quilt that i quilted my cotton candy E2e.
it's a budget friendly design that adds texture which is perfect for this quilt.
then her 'ombre' fassett quilt. this was a cover quilt from an aussie quilting magazine.
she asked for a flower with leaves E2E, which i haven't really quilted, but i gave it a go and i like it!!
UPS stopped by the house this morning....i didn't order anything.'s gift wrapped.
holy cow!!! i thought it was books....

davis sent me a kindle fire for valentine's! i can't wait to dive in and learn all it's features! anything i just have to know?

thank you sweetie, i love it (and you)!!!

now, to make a fabric sleeve for it!!

sunday stitches

so i cut all my fabric for my super simple HST and i was thinking while i was doing it that i swear i thought i'd blogged about the fabrics already....i did here and i knew that i had linked to the quilts that had inspired me...
so here's the two quilts that inspired me.

 first barb's quilt.
and i saw jennifer's quilt on flickr

i have all my squares cut and marked and i'm hoping to get all the squares sewn so that i can get them pressed and cut. then i plan on sewing them into random 9patches, then i'll sew the 9patches into the top. at least that's the plan....
apparent someone thinks they should be the center of my attention right now
what do you mean 'move' i assure you, madame, i do not pretend to know to what you are referring :)

oh and did you hear- whitney houston died....

close call

so i get this email and you tube link from davis this morning.

We were at this one camp. First time we really were able to get a view. So I decided to take a video. As you can see the video was cut short. What were the odds of catching this on video. Listen carefully, you may have to watch it again.
It is the sound of a ricocheting bullet just feet from us. Still have no idea where it came from.  Thanks GOD buddy wasn't one of our snipers.
looks like your thoughts and prayers are working, thank you!

it's about time...

you know how i mentioned, "what's the point of having a LA and not quilting your own quilts"....well, i kindda got a little carried away with that.

i quilted five of my flimsies (six if you count my spring swap from 2010, but i already blogged about it)
i quilted my christmas quilt made from a block swap done. i added holly leaves and berries to the plain white rectangles. let me tell you- machine appliqueing after the quilt was finished was no small task! i considered doing it by hand and after satin stitching one berry, i really wished i had...but all that's forgotten now- it's finished and will be ready to use this christmas!! *yay*

i used my signature E2E i call cotton candy for the body of the quilt, then i meandered the border with red thread and ribbon candied the green inner border with green thread.  it worked out well- since i was using the red and green threads for the borders, i went ahead and SIDed the holly appliques with matching thread.*win win*

i quilted the quilt made from the blocks from the summer 2011 swap. i'm calling it 'friendship dash' cause the block is a churn dash and friendship star mushed together.
i custom quilted it because i choose to use a muslin on the back and the quilting would really show.  i love the design in the friendship star part.

and my favorite- feathers in the border!
i quilted my hand dyed 9patch. i'm calling it 'divine intervention: god's favorite color is purple' the sashing was suppose to be navy blue- it came out purple and the backing was suppose to be black ( i was expecting a green based dark grey) it came out purple.....
i dyed fabric for the binding twice- the first was a dark green- it came out almost black and the second was suppose be turq and it came out teal- i gave up and submitted to fate.

i also quilted my 'buzz saw' quilt made from bali pops davis bought me for christmas couple years ago. (it's a freebie pattern from bonnie hunter. she calls it weed whacker)

he's already called dibs on it, but i think that's not fair. you can't gift me fabric for christmas then get the quilt too *giggle*
i quilted an E2E i call cock's comb, but some quilters refer to it as 'bananas'. i think it suits the movement of the piecing. it's a design i haven't quilted in a long's nice to stitch something different. we compromised- he can use it.

i also quilted a vintage top i bought from ebay. about six years ago i bought a bunch of tops from ebay. i like to think that the piecer is happy that someone finished it and  will love it to death!

i really like this quilt. i think it looks like pop art. i date it to the early 70s based off one particular plaid. it screams 70s. it currently hangs at the top of the steps. i used an inexpensive 200 thread count sheet from walmart on the back. i prewashed the sheet and it quilted up nicely! can't beat a $15 backing.

i ran out of batting or i would of finished a couple's hard to stop a boulder once it picks up momentum :)

FYI- all my quilting is done free handed without following a panto or assisted by a computer's just how i roll :)

so now it's about getting the all that binding done!!! oh, and labels- can't forget to label them.....

i got bored

i needed a change....i've been sporting my red hair for over a decade and i wanted something different looking back at me from the mirror...

so i had my red 'updated' and dyed the underneath blue.

but a tip- if you are going to have a friend photo the new do- wear a shirt that isn't the same color :)

♫ i'm smurf-y and i know it ♫

SAL Part One

let's get this party started!!

here's part one of my scrap bash stitch-a-long.

i am using my scraps and have made a big dent so far :)i can actually latch the lid on my scrap bucket now. i pull from my scrap bucket first, then dig into my stash as needed. my plan is to not buy any fabric at all for this quilt.

here's the intro post....or you can click on the SAL logo over there in the side menu---->

you'll also want to refer to my no waste flying goose tutorial...i'll be using this method for FG throughout the entire SAL unless otherwise noted...

here is a picture of the ruler i bought years ago and am finding it useful for this SAL. it's handy cause it is marked with the 7/8inch measurements. very handy for cutting up scraps for all the HSTs and Flying geese we'll be making.

any questions or concerns, let me know....