and the nominees are.....

i would like to nominate myself for running in the 'She Who Dies With the Most Fabric Wins' friend teresa (muchas grais amiga!)  helped me bag up The Stash (it deserves a name now..)

mothers, lock up your children....
the squeamish- cover your eyes
because from the deepest recesses of shannon's studio comes...



(just when you thought it was safe....)

<--- a large two car garage...all quilty stuff
you have my complete permission to show your hubby and say, "see, i told you my stash wasn't bad...look how much she has..."

if i can't be a good example, i'll just have to be a horrible warning :)

the zinger- that's not all of it......

<---barney for scale.....

FYI: three yards of fabric weighs appoximately a pound....those are about 25 thirty gallon contractor bags...this math i won't do to protect the innocent....

while i'm gone...

i'm gonna post the directions for the next block swap i'm hosting....that'll keep ya busy!

DEADLINE: i have to have your blocks by August 31st, 2010!

remember the post about the quilt i designed to use the swapped blocks a few posts back...a queen sized quilt from only twelve 15" inch blocks!

<---- that's my block!

moving....! i'm moving to Tennessee. i hate HATE H.A.T.E. packing....

this was my sewing room couple hours ago, most of it's gone now....notice the diet mt. dew bottle. i couldn't survive without my dew. it's weird- i'm totally destroying my 'sanctuary'...

i'm really hoping that i'll be back online quickly...but just in case i'm going to figure out how to schedule a post for the eighth BOM block....wait a minute...8! wow...seems like only yesterday i was posting the fabric yardage...

whatcha could win!

couple people were worried about what the triple-digit-follower prize was...*drum roll*

TA-DAH!  go to my previous post and leave me a comment and if lady luck smiles at you, you could get this lovely pouch from the snail mailman!

i've been eyeing all the lovely boxed totes on the blogs...i found a tute (click here for the link) and in true shannon style, i changed it and measures appox 7" long by 4" tall and 4" wide. it's a great size...i see myself making lots of these as christmas presents....

giveaway time!

it's time for a celebration of my triple digit followers, i'm gonna have a giveaway.

here's the rules:
1. leave a comment on this post
2. if you are a follower leave another seperate comment telling me so
3. become a follower and leave a comment telling me you are a new follower

that's two chances per to win...

i'll make something in my true pouchy style and send it to ya! deadline: June 5th.

and since i'm not a fan of posts without pictures, here's a picture of barney sleeping with his rope ball. he L.O.V.E.S. that thing....and the stank it has proves it :)

he's six!

today is nemo's birthday. according to his serial number, he was manufactured on May 18th, 2004....

happy burfday Nemo....wish i could give you the day off.....i asked, but that boss lady is such a big green meanie....*grin*

giveaway post is coming....

retreat quilt

this is joyce's retreat quilt. it was presented as a mystery quilt during the amacola falls (?) retreat. it's gonna go live in china once it's bound...

i quilted comets in the yellow....

on another note: WOOT WOOT i have triple digit followers!!!! 100 people actually admit to liking my blog! sweet! i'll have a giveaway post tomorrow...*happy dance*

sister's choice block swap

i have decided to host another block swap! since so many quilters seem to agree that swaps are great, but what to do with the blocks after they are swapped? i have designed an orginal setting/layout to accompany these blocks.

here's a picture of my test quilt....this is going to be a great swap!

what's black, white, and yellow?

 it's not a zebra with jaundice....silly

it's jeannie's quilt. she bought all the fabrics during the shop hop- i even bumped into her and gave my opinion on the backing fabric.

we referred to it as the taxi quilt, but i have a better idea:

there once was a canary yellow
who thought himself a damper fellow

but he was spied by the cat

who is now noticeably fat

who thought he tasted rather mellow...

like i said- it doesn't take much to entertain me....
i like jeannie...she doesn't mind the thread color showing on the back....

two more flimsy finishes....

i've been working on getting my UFO pile under's the shop hop top all sewn together....i even got the binding made. all i need is backing.....i'm L.O.V.I.N.G. the applique....and i (heart) the outer border fabric, it's so perfect....

here's another flimsy finish. long time readers will (maybe) recognize the tulip blocks. this is one of the first applique projects i started. it's from one of Pat Sloan's books....

it's nice to see the difference in the first 'traditional' applique project with my just finshed latest one...i started my applique adventure with traditional hawaiian appliques...i'll post those one day...

siggy swap

my friend vickie is hosting a signature block swap and is in need of participants...

click here for the link to her website for the info...

thank you...i'm gonna do should'll be loads of fun!

african snowball

this quilt was made by betty and is a gift. aren't the colors pretty! 
she came to me a while back with these beautiful fabrics and asked if i knew a pattern that wouldn't cut them so small you'd loose the pattern of the fabric....well, that was easy- i just hopped on EQ and designed one.

we decided on a 12" 9patch alternating with a snowball block...

i quilted a swirl wreath in the snowball and a fancy CC in the 9patch
a shot of the back....weird, it's more blue than green....

design wall monday

i have something on my wall that i can share!

these are the blocks and the layout for my shop hop quilt (i liked Tiny Stitches's layout). i'm almost done with the applique. i drew it so it's an orginal ( of course). i should have the applique done by the end of the week.

i have all the blocks sewn, just waiting on the applique.....

i'm really liking this quilt. i know it's the same as the feathered star, but TS used the same layout as their BOM as they did their shop hop quilt, and i was not feeling like designing something....

i'm done....

i finished my modify tradition swap quilt.

i hope my partner likes it....i'm mailing it today.

i used the block from Denyse Schmidt's Cog+Wheel pattern. it is 22" square.


i swapped all the blocks this morning...i shall release the squishes into the wild on monday....

look at all them blocks! that stack was a good 20 inches tall....

can't wait to start the next one. i designed a quilt to go with them that i will share the directions for. keep an eye out for that around the first/middle of June

it's dry now!

okay it's done! cool huh?

so all it required was an 8" x 24" canvas from JoAnn's, ModPodge glue, and fabric scraps. the yellow is pattern tissue pieces. remember the little flying goose pendant i bought? well, it was packed for shipping with crumbled pattern pieces. i saved them and decoupaged them to the canvas and while i waited for the glue to dry i cut out my letters.

i made two sets of letters; one black and the other scrappy  Fassett pinks. i used Microsoft Word to print out the letters. then i put a layer of ModPodge and carefully stuck them down.

now i have to nail some picture hangers into the back and i have a new sign for my studio....i have other ideas for this technique....

watching glue dry

so, wonder what am i making?????   

besides a mess

stay tuned

it is finished, and it is good

okay, before you look at the pictures or read any further click here and go look at amanda's havta click the back button to come back here...

this is the same quilt done in 30s repro. i wanted you to go look at amanda's then come back to see the difference fabric makes....

this is karen's quilt.....this quilt took forever. i had it on the frame a record breaking week!

i like the secondary designs some of the quilting makes...

check it first attempt at curved cross hatching

:the outside borders

here's more pictures....

:the feathered star center

feathers feathers everywhere....

and my favorite- the backing.  karen mentioned entering into some shows!

:the featherd star....looks very snowflakey

don't forget you can click on the picture for a larger view, then click "back" on your browser to come back here.....

:the borders...i quilted the fans to look like flowers on the backing...

i noticed blogger added a spell check, i always use the one in my google toolbar ....i want to be able to have pictures open in a new window....


modern tradition testimonial

dear modern traditional switch sistah-

this is my first online swap, so i'm a bit behind on the etiquette.

i like long sunset walks on the beach.....wait...oopppssss  *giggle* my favorite colors are lime green, turq, magenta, and royal purple, fuchsia, orange; mostly the jewel tones......

i love L.O.V.E. Kaffe Fasset!!! and i'm drawn to anything heavily 'graphic' my favorite blocks are stars...(shot for the moon, if you miss you'll land among the stars)

i HATE red- ya know- fire engine/candy apple red....nope sorry.

i want you to make something that is you, but keeping me in mind...

here's  the link to a gallery i created....i couldn't figure the flickr mosaic thing out....i'm not a fan of 'dull' i like color- i'm not into fussy cutting, or tid-bit confetti can click on the 'mine' label in my label list to peek at my quilts....

i really am excited to be a part of this swap- i will like what you make! no pressure- be you! try something new....but mostly have fun....

hey- i figured out the mosaic thingie. i feel smart now. i shall reward myself with chocolate!

it's sew pretty!

it's a flimsy in need of borders....

my first non-hosting 'online' swap

Jennifer is hosting a 'Modify Tradition" swap over on her blog. i read the 'rules' this morning just after she posted, and thought about it all day...then i decided that i had thought about it enuf, so i joined.

i'm excited and looking forward to 'playing' and hope whoever i am paired up with likes what i do....

you could join and play too?.....maybe we'll get partnered up.....

i quilted, but i didn't wilt...

yesterday i went to Tiny Stitches for their weekly friday "quilt til you wilt" they open up their classroom and you can go from 9:30 til 8:00 and work on what ever you like....the monogram tote teresa gave me from last post had it's moment in the spotlight. everyone thought it was very cool and wanted to know where i got it (thanks again teresa)...i carried all my 'supplies' in it: thread, scissors, chocolate, pincushion, etc...

it was nice to get out of the featherweight was very excited to get out too...

i took my "weedwacker" (which i have renamed "buzzsaw") pieces and was quite productive. i got all my strips sewn into pairs, marked all the flip and sew triangles (including the other line to save for a small 'doggie bag' quilt), and got alot of the triangles sewn to before mentioned strip pairs.

i signed up for the may 28th STYW and plan to only work on buzzsaw there...

while there, joyce gave me my feathered star she pieced for me. this is a block i admire, but wouldn't attempt. (remember this quilt down towards the end of the post. yup it's joyce that pieced that tinny tiny feather star.) so a compromise was reached: she'd piece it for me (with my fabric choices) and i would LA her retreat quilt at a good price! win win for both of us....she did an excellent job! thank you joyce!

so what am i gonna do with this uber perfectly pieced star? well, i'm setting it on point and using it in a medallion center for my BOM blocks from T.S. from i have to decide on a sashing color....i'm leaning towards a purple as to not distract from the blocks or the star....

i also need to decide if i'm going to set the feathered star in black or a color....or design a block.....or add some applique....

*sigh* i'm really loving this quilt....