what's in a name?

it's an UFO turned flimsy, but it still needs a name...

it's very bright!! that background is neon pink!!

you can read all about it in this post
so what should i name it?? i have an idea of two, but i want to see what your reaction is....

the border doesn't clash as bad IRL as ir does in the pictures.


  1. Hot 'Lanta......neon pink? It's still great or should I say shocking.

  2. How about 'Ode to Paris' or 'La Fleurs in Pink(insert French word for pink)' alas my high school french deserts me.

  3. How about "electric web"?

  4. How about Motley Stars? I keep focusing on the pink stars that form from the pink triangles around the colorful varied centers.

  5. I love it, was thinking along the lines of Pink Spidey, String Pinkini or Spidey Sherbet....It is very pretty.

  6. "Neon Lights" I like this quilt!

  7. Carnivale because it reminds me of the bright lights of the carnival and the tent tops. The Kaffe Fassett fabrics are so beautiful. I never thought to use them for this pattern, but it is perfect.

  8. see, i was thinking 'Miami' or South Beach' because it reminds me of the colors/feel there....

    but i do like "Electric Web"

  9. Did you wear your shades when quilting it?

  10. It's absolutely gorgeous. I think I'd name it after some umbrella drink - like Mai Tai - because it reminds me of umbrellas.

  11. I really like spider web quilts and have made a couple of them- they really are a sea of color- lots of fun to use up lots of bits of fabric.

  12. how about "pink splash"! Love it!


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