another wedding block

i have to share the block i just finished!!!

i was thinking what else needed to be represented in the quilt and it hit me like a ton of bricks- a wedding can't happen without a proposal

davis proposed on South Beach in Miami Florida. he tied the ring to a sea shell and let me 'find' it. very, very romantic!

i wrote "will you marry me?" in the center....i think it's funny- i made the proposal block on our one month anniversary....

i found the block in the third edition of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks. it's block #296 designed by Cindy Simms. the directions have it as a 12inch finished block, but i used EQ to re-size it to finish at 9inches...

poodles, noodles, and fabric- oh my

edie came to fetch her poodle quilt yesterday. every fabric in the 4patch features a different poodle with very few repeats...

i thought about it while quilting this quilt- not that i ever would, but if i ever had a poodle own me, i'd name it Ramen....get it Ramen Poodle....i crack myself up sometimes...

i did, however, discover the long-to-be-thought extinct distant ancestor of the jackalope- the it is seen in it's natural habitat

*snicker snort* sorry, i couldn't resist.....

i have had fun making blocks for our wedding quilt, i noticed i have a hole in my stash. i have lots of mediums and i have darks, but i have nothing i consider pastel-y to use for backgrounds. so i bought some fat quarters....i should be good to go for a while. the bottom row is just cause fabrics....the cute little calico-y floral- i seem to have come home with two. i must of really liked it to buy it twice

luck would have it- the shop was having a huge FQ sale tomorrow. murphy's law, right???

in search of....

image source here OOP fabric. 
in making blocks for our wedding quilt, i felt the dogs needed fair i had the bright idea to applique a paw print on a background that signified each one. i've been collecting  saint-patrick's-day-four-leaf-clover prints for a while, so Lucky's block was an easy fix.....

barney is where i'm hitting a wall.....then i remembered this tennis ball fabric from timeless treasures from a couple years ago....this is perfect....and i was lucky enuf to find a picture of it on the web

here's the rub- i don't have any...*argh*  but blogosphere is a large world and i'm not the only fabric hoarder collector

does this fabric look familiar??? i only need a 10.5inch square....surely someone bought a bunch of yardage to put on the back of their tennis player's championship tshirts quilt, but it never happened and now they have 6 yards of this green fuzzy goodness just sitting there collecting dust

hey it could happen....

*ETA* i got friend Lynnfound it online at a shop in Texas!  (thanks again) it's a RJR print, not timeless treasures... *squee*

who would've thought...

take the time to watch this video....ingenuity is the mother of invention...

how cool is that????   too cool.....

what is that smell?

i love it when barney hangs with me in the studio.

i don't like it when barney's belly is upset and he has gas....*stank!* my studio is in the basement and has no air current, so smells hang- just like the green clouds in cartoons

poor noodle....

do they make a canine Activa?..... i'll be running to petco for some wheat grass and maybe some cottage cheese in his food tonight....would yogurt help?

stitch, stitch, stitchin' away

i wanted to share a couple applique blocks i did this weekend to add to our wedding quilt.
first a pair of pears (a perfect pair- hey just like davis and me *wink* get it?)
a cute little flower medallion
and our initials....

i'm really stoked about his one. i was wanting it to look like they were carved on a tree...and they do!! *sweet*

i have a bunch more planned and five cut out- ready to stitch.

(i'm not showing off- i do hand work while watching TV (and to keep me from eating) and i had some stuff i needed to watch to get it off the DVR....)


no, not that kind...

<--- this kind

alberta made this cute hooterville quilt for her first great grand baby! (congrats)

i mean- how cute is that little owl!!! i just want to eat it with a spoon *grin*

i L.U.V. the plaid

a parting shot of the back

pick your brain

i need to pick yall's brains....

i need help coming up with euphemisms for 'getting married'

all i've come up with is:
-gettin' hitched
-tying the knot

i know there's gotta be more...

wedding blocks progress

here's all the blocks i have received so far.
i like how some of the blocks are repeated!

there's corthuse steps, steps to the alter, card tricks, nevada guys are so creative!

i love it!!! thank you to all who have sewn for us!

i made a couple (like i'd be able to sit quietly on the side lines)

i designed this block a long time and posted it on my my blog as a 12inch block....i reworked the math and made it 9inches....

for the purposes of this quilt i'm calling it 'true love star'....*ahwww*

the background fabric is almost the last yardage of one of my favorite batiks.

i made this nine patch with the vegas sign. finding the fabrics to go with it was fun...and i totally trashed my sewing room. i think i did good *grin* i swear i can here frank singing 'luck be a lady'

i also made this paper pieced star....i PAPER PIECED!!! the block is called 'desert corsage' and i found it very fitting!

i found a block named 'ball and chain'   how can i resist not adding that one *snicker* and i have a couple applique ideas to add too.

i designed a block so i can include Elvis....

this quilt is going to be the BOMB baby!

quilt show part duex

so here's the quilts that caught my eye for various reasons (and some that should of had a ribbon pinned to the border and some that already did)

this quilt was hand pieced AND hand quilted....

 *don't forget, the pictures will supersize when you click on them. click the back button on your browser to come back here*


and it's in one of my favorite fabrics -batiks!

 beautiful!!! i voted for this one for viewer's choice.


i seem to have not taken a picture of this one's tag...sorry to the quilter

this is the same pattern that theresa made (hockey love) from yesterday's post. i wanted to show how different the same quilt can look being made in different fabrics...

i hope i get enough wedding blocks to make a quilt like this! these blocks are tiny though- 6inches!
this one had a perfect name!!!
a great example of how to make a quilt from men's ties.
this was the star of the show:  Best of Show, Quilter's Choice (voted by the quilters with quilts in the show), Viewer's Choice
it is hand pieced and hand quilted.