creativity in the thrift store

my granny always would refer to me as "artsy fartsy" she said that i got ideas from the most random of situations. 
i love thrift stores. correction- i love the possibly contained in junk! cheap junk!! so the other day when davis and i spotted, then stopped at new-to-us thrift store i was in heaven.

they have everything color coordinated!! i could not get the yumminess of that organized rainbow of tshirts outta my creative juices went wild!! what could i do to utilize such a treat that was right in front of me, begging me to play...

unable to resist- i went and bought 11 shirts (a whopping $22) to make tshirt yarn!! i have plans on crocheting a small rug...but i want to find a fuchsia and lighter fuchsia tshirt first to go between the purple and the red...

i followed this blog tute for cutting the shirt into yarn, and used my rotary cutter for the of my shirts had seams up the sides and that didn't work so well, so avoid shirts with side seams....and cutting and stretching it did create some airborne dust which triggered an allergy attack. next time, i'm gonna wash my shirts before slicing and dicing.

i even saved the sleeves....remember these?

belated cupid day...

i'm a little late with my valentine's post, but better late than never....
i do this for davis every time we eat out and he gets a straw. there's a sweet story behind it:

we went to a restaurant and across the aisle was an older couple and their daughter with her husband. i noticed the mother was doing something with the straw. she twisted the wrapper into a heart shape. the daughter's husband asked her what that was. she replied, "mother does that for father everyday at the center to show him she loves him and they've been married for 45 years." so i prompted decided that if that's what it took :) i'd do it for davis. he loves the attention it brings and i love the smile he gets when he gets the attention.

he leaves me little love reminder notes as well...can you see it in the dirt? you might have to click on the picture...

 rememeber the snow love note? he left it where he knew i'd see it when i walked the dogs.

so here's my valentine's has a story to (doesn't something mean more when it has a story?)

i was clicking on links in blogland and ended up on Etsy where this was listed for sale with a really good price tag. i knew that it wouldn't last long cause it was unique and someone with a high blog following linked to it...i liked it and wanted i emailed the link to davis with a *hint hint* for valentine's day. the next morning i looked and it had been sold. i thought, "oh, well" and promptly forgot about it.

that was until valentine's day when i opened this big box and it was sitting inside...

it is a vintage roll top sewing box. from what i can determine, it was hand made by someone. my favorite is the spool shelves.

i added the button closure. with the weight of the roll top, if you barely bumped it it loudly crashed open. it scared barney and that wasn't going to cut it :)

i am loved and am fortunate to have someone surprise me with the things he knows makes me happy, no matter how big or small they may be. our relationship has it's bumps, but the bumps are just that- bumps. in all worth while trips, the road is bound to have a few bumps. bumps don't define the journey, they just make you appreciate it more when you get there.

okay- i'm done being all warm and fuzzy...

stitch, stitch, stitching away

it's another show!

melanie's basket quilt...

this was a BOM from one of the LQSes and i swear this is like the 16th or 17th i've quilted...

here's the back

i love me some feathers :)

(remember, you can click the pic to see a bigger view. then hit the back button on your browser to come back here)

and another shot of the back. i hear she plans on hanging it on a tall wall in her living room.

melanie's counting sheep baby quilt. a gift for a new mommy that works in her office.

ain't it cute!!

carol's fire escape quilt (pattern by Atkinson Designs)

the colors didn't photograph correctly AT ALL...there's no green IRL

i quilted flames on it. i kept thinking of the old school hot rod pin stripe flames. it is to be gifted to a fireman.

kristen's two little quilts.
a charm square quilt...i love the colors!

and a princess panel with a flange.

i've been super busy.

ALSO- tuesday is the first of March, so you only have a couple days left to snag the instructions for Febuary's BOM before it is gone....forever

school, pride, herd..?

fish gather in a school...lions live in a pride.... horses call a herd home....

so what do you call a gathering of quilts??

oh, i know-  a SHOW!!! enjoy...
joan's bargello

this is the back- it had an earthy feel, so i keep the quilting earthy themed.

and her lone star. it's a wall hanging to be auctioned off for charity.

a turning 20 featuring guitars for mary's son....

lucinda's chenille quilt

i had fun filling in the spaces between the chenille.

i am declaring my slump's nice to get back into the groove of things :)

it's official!!

i have a blog button!!! *squee*

i feel so grown up :) i can not tell you how exciting this was...I WROTE CODE! i feel so smart!

you can grab the code over there----> and add it to your blog!!


i'm still here...just working through a slump. nothing is holding my attention. if you could see me- i wander aimlessly around the house....even barney has starting raising an eyebrow. "mom, we've been in this room five times already" i wonder if he thinks i'm looking for my tennis ball :)

i'll be back soon. i have some quilts for show and tell and i got an awesome valentine's gifty :)


super bowl piecing

i took advantage of the Super Bowl to  piece uninterupted...i was pulling for the packers!

what did i do?  i finished piecing (and double checking the math) the blocks for this year's BOM...and shot the tutorials! i have one block that i need to remake.... color placement could be better...

what!?? thought i'd post the actual picture.....nope- that would ruin all the fun! yeah, i know- i'm a stinker :)

ironing board make-over

as a quilter, an iron board is a major must have in the studio....nothing i have just does one 'job' and my boring white iron board doubles as a desk surface when i LA. it's this large white elphant in the middle of the room 

frankly i was tired of looking at all my iron's spit stains...i've been just throwing random fabric pieces over it in an attempt to come to a better solution. i even washed it in a lazy attempt to face lift go- now it's just whiter *sigh*

i found the perfect answer this weekend. i found a cute animal print that makes me smile and i made a 'slip cover' for my ironing board. no more boring white!!! it has an elastic waistband, so when i piece, i just pop it off and when i'm done, simply stretch it back on.....sweet!

i mean look at the elephant and try to tell me you didn't smile :) (if the elephant didn't do it- check out the monkeys) *giggle*

i liked the fabric so much i bought enough to make me two pillowcases..hey- if i play with my inner child during the day, she doesn't keep me up at night

t-shirt quilt mini-tute

last month when i made my tenn tshirt quilt i took some pictures for a quick "how-to-prepare-the-tshirts-for-a-quilt"'s a simplier version of my post from way back in june 2009...i've made a few, and LAed a bunch and have seen what works and what don't....

first, you'll need some fusible stabilizer. i use a woven one that is availble at JoAnn's.

you'll want to wash and dry all the tshirts in hot water with NO fabric softner or dryer sheet. they leave a coating on the fibers of the shirt that will not allow the fusible to stick.

then you'll need to measure (or not) each shirt's logo. trust me, it's easier to do the math if you cut them out all the same size. plus i think that it makes a better looking quilt....*shrug* JMHO

i decided to trim all my shirts to 12.5. i had one or two shirts that the logo was 'cut off' and went all the way the the edges. i'm okay with that.

for the smaller designs, i tried centering best i could.

i cut up the sides, along the sleeve sides and across the neck just under the ribbing. cut your fusible at least 2 inches bigger than the size you will trim your shirts to. i cut my stabilizer at 14" square for my 12.5" cut shirts.

the reasoning- knit is stretchy and it's like trying to catch a greased pig. by cutting the fusible bigger, them trimming to size it assures that the tshirt block will be nice and square. it makes it SO much easier to sew into the quilt. i DO NOT reccomend trimming the shirt, then trying to fuse fusible to the back.

if your thsirt had a design on the back and front, you can use both. if you have logos on the front left chest of the shirt, fuse them just like if they were bigger. you can sew them together to make a bigger block. i use the small chest logos in the borders...

fuse the stabilizer to the wrong side of the shirt. fair warning- some paints will melt if touched with an iron, so try to always be careful and mindful to press the tshirts from the wrong side.

allow the fused shirt to cool. i fuse another while i wait. flip the shirt over, move it to your cutting mat, and trim to your predetermined size. at this point i go back to the ironing board and gently repress the freshly cut edges to double check that all the edges have been fully fused and are stuck.

now you have tshirts that are ready to be sewn into a wonderful quilt. think of the shirts as blocks-you can sew borders to each shirt in fabric that coordinate to the color of the design (like i did) , then sew a simple sash and cornerstone. or you can get more creative- you are only limited by your imagination. i like to keep my designs simple to showcase the shirts....

some think it's alot of work, but i think it's a great payoff for all the effort. it's a scrap book you can sleep under! :) plus, you never have to turn your favorite (ratty) tshirts into dust cloths!

couple of things- i do not reccomend using sports jerseys with the stacked numbers, sweat shirts, or knitted sweaters in tshirt quilts....i would suggest turning these items into a pillow.

groundhog day

i love the bill murray movie "ground hog day" i like that it shows his character's, phil, personal growth. i find the old homeless man part so of the movie channel (encore) is playing it as a marathon all day today. i shamefully admit watching 3 repeats before turning the channel...*shrug* i was quilting while it was on....
i had two quilts leave this week so far.

nadine's t-shirt quilt

and jeannie's sweet 16 quilt. i love the colors in this one!!

she had three more, but the pictures are apparently still on my camera...i'll share them later.

also, i've added subscription to my blog via email over there ---> i'm keeping up with all this techy stuff :) after you enter your email, you'll be asked to do a word verification. an email will be sent to your inbox to verify your email address. all you do is click the provided link....after that you just sit back and wait for my blog post to be specially delivered straight to your inbox!! it's all about your convenience :)

also send good thoughts for Australia. first the flooding, now a cyclone....

drum roll....

it's a flimsy!!! it's hard to get a good picture of it, it's so big and takes up all my entire design wall.

i added 18 more S blocks from my own stash to give me 56. i laid them out 7 X 8 and added a 5" finished outer border (mitered!) to give me a quilt that is 80" x 90"....i have a reason for this. see, i have a special backing fabric picked and i have 6 yards of it- ie- a backing that is 90" x 108" that means i'll be using my special backing fabric in the best way with little waste when it's all said and bound :)

that border was an alexander henry print i bought waayyy back in 2005...i had intentions to use it in another quilt (where you cut the 45degree triangles and sew them together to get boxed stripes) but it works much better here!!!

see the 6th block in the fifth row!!!? that's Nemo fabric!

now all i need is a great name! i'm working on a sentence that all the words start with the letter S, or a sentence that all the first letters of the words in the sentence spell my name....*shrug* suggestions?