couple years ago, i made a commit to become aware of my carbon foot print. I didn't make a big deal about it, just started to try to introduce some more 'green' habits in my every day life. I'm not a tree hugger, but i do want my grandkids to enjoy the planet as i know it one day.....fresh air, food, trees, animals....
here are some simple things you can do to make every day Earth day:
-recycle. i was surprised to see that 80% or more of my everyday trash is recyclable.I put out recycling more than i do trash now. it;s like a game- how much trash a day i can keep out of the landfill.
-buy rechargeable batteries. it's a bit of a cost at first, but they have more than paid for themselves. I'm still using the same 8 AAs i bought 4 years ago...
-turn the faucet off while brushing your teeth, washing hair, etc. if your not using the water- turn it off! studies show that it could save up to 3000+ gallons a year per family!!
-stop using plastic grocery bags. i haven't carried one home in a LONG time. I have several now use them regulatory. They hold more ,so you won't need that many. They are even washable...PS if you DO use the plastic ones, recycle them!! I even have a folded up one i carry in my purse. Some shops even offer a discount with purchase if you use your own bag (maybe that's just quilt shops, tho *grin*).
-use bio-friendly cleaners. Most cleaning solutions are very toxic and get washed down the drain to end up back in the ground water. I use vinegar, peroxide, and natural plant based cleaners. I was surprised how well they clean! imagine- those chemicals are in your kitchen! NEXT TO YOUR FOOD!! *yuck*
-unplug those pesky appliances with that 'vampire' light that shows they are plugged in. That is electricity you are paying for, plus a resource that is not being used productively.
Now i know not everyone can do everything, but if EVERYONE changed one or two habits, we just might make a difference....If faced with the choice of a 'normal' way versus a 'green' way- even tho the green choice might be a bit more expensive or time consuming- it'll be worth it in the long haul, for everyone!
I know it's a clique, but i do like the quote: "we did not inherit the earth from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children"
so, do you do anything earthy? share it in the comments!!!