thank yall!!

 i want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone!! the outpouring of love and concern after my accident have been amazing!! it's truly touching and humbling.

i'm doing well. i found a local doctor (no more 50mile trips to the hospital) who referred me to all the necessary doctors to continue on my road to a full recovery. i also have a nice new combo of drugs, and frankly, with their help-  i'm feeling real gooouudddd.*lalalah*

the worse for me is just sitting around.....i'm not a sit-around girl.i like to keep my hands busy.  i did dig out an old UFO applique block and was pleased to discover that i can hand applique with minimal effort and use of the bum arm... so now i'm just deciding on what i want to work on applique wise. i did have thoughts of a 'show' quilt idea that would require some applique, so i might start designing that. lord knows, i have all the time i need....

 i promise to not over do it and take the time to heal.... but i'm bored and my vitamin Q level is getting dangerously low *grin*


SAL 2012 Part 11

here's the latest and greatest installment in my Scrap Bash Stitch-A-Long....if i can't sew, no reason yall can't :)

happy stitching!

don't forget to add photos of your blocks to the Flickr group. i like to see what and how yall are doing these :)

(part 11 of 16)


damned curve balls

 originally this blog post was gonna be all about Davis and mine's trip to Italy (maybe later) but now it seems like years ago...i had the rest of the year planned out- get back, hit the ground running and get back to 'seriously' quilting for my customers. i mean this year has been CRA-CRA for me and trying to quilt- the move, surgery, trip to italy, and now this...

god laughed and threw me a curve ball.    *strike three*

couple thursday mornings ago, i was on the interstate heading towards Marietta to deliver some quilts to a client when i was ran off the road. i will preface by saying- I'M OKAY or will be with time....

shaken, not stirred
once the truck and i exited the interstate, we flipped/rolled three times coming to rest on the side of the interstate. yes, my friends, i added to traffic that morning *sorry* the truck is totaled and off to the ER i went.  (Barney was not with me, thank god, which is rare. i always take him to Marietta with me.)

long story short- my left collarbone is severely broken (no quilting AT ALL for me) with a good majority of bruised ribs and a blood vessel in my neck shows some trauma. so the last two weeks have had me on the couch cleaning off the DVR (mostly Big Bang Theory) in a gentle medicated stupor. *wheeee*

thank you for all the "Where are you?"'s nice to know that i couldn't disappear without someone noticing :)