you say 'obsessed' like it's a bad thing

that's funny it's spelt just like sewer (sue-er)

i pulled a dory....i saw sewer (soe-er)
*sew - a needle pulling thread, la - a note to follow sew*


  1. Well, what else would you see?????

  2. Obviously the vault where your stash is hidden, right?

  3. LOVE this! Why is it that other people don't see things like we do?

  4. Perfect. I have a baseball cap with the letters C and N on top of each other. They are light blue and the cap is a darker blue. I always have seen them as CN - my initials - and when my husband saw it, he was surprised that I had gotten a baseball cap custom made with my initials. Everybody else seems to think the initials are NC, that it is a Carolina cap and that the color is Carolina blue! It's all in the eye of the beholder!

  5. I do attempt to use stitcher instead of sew-er in my writings. Sadly, I read sewer instead of sew-er and I don't want anyone else to read sewer or be offended if I refer to them as a sewer.

  6. of course that says's surrounded by crosshatching!


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