that's my story and i'm sticking to it! i'm allergic to jenny beyer's borders. i mean come on, how do you quilt them? so much tenny tiny detail. i think it's safe to say, i'm not a fan....they're very pretty, but to quilt it- PITA.
but no worries, something will come to me and make it happen....*grr*
where's the quilting studio gnomes when you need them.
I never thought about Jenny Beyer borders, and having to quilt them. Oh, you are so right! It could be very time consuming to try to outline all those scrolls and florishes or doing some type of small stipple to make the scrolls trapunto....It's a major problem alright! You can't just run the machine over all this either. I will be interested to see how you handle it. Have you Googled quilted Jenny Beyer, or searched Webshots to see if anyone has pictures of how they handled this?