quilt parade

these are the quilts i have finished in the last couple months...enjoy!

tracey's comission quilt
check out that teal thread on that black border *zinger*
anne's teal irish chain

this was the quilt in this post...
i like the print for the center of the setting blocks. i've filed that away for future reference!
and as usual, edie was busy!

her black and white TAW

like the skinny turquoise border. she said she was binding it in the same color! perfect with that border print!
she also made this quilt with that stained glass collection with the panel as the center...
it's hard to see, but there's loops on there

and finally edie made TWO of these army themed quilts for her sons
i quilted stars in the block's negative space and swirly lines to mimic a flag in the wind. it turned out better than i could of hoped and edie LOVED it!!

see, two...hey, whose legs are those?? :)

that skinny orange border was a 'flange' and since i was doing a E2E, it got stitched it down...

(for the record- i hate flanges on a quilt!! it triples the difficulty of MQing a quilt...i know you didn't ask, but just saying :) )

 and look- i marked my stars!! my five pointed stars look horrendous if i don't premark them! they come out looking like amputated starfish...
i quilted shelly's quilt

this is the quilt that had the fabric in it that i wanted....still haven't found it

i also quilted my Bali Migration quilt...

i tested out and idea for the design for Edie's army quilts before quilting hers i'm glad i did- it didn't look like what i had envisioned, so i did something else...and that worked.

so now i have TWO new E2E designs in my repertoire!

check out the backer *swirly*

jeanne's DWR for her daughter's wedding in April

i like the design i came up with...

and the quilting shows on the backer!

last but not least- this quilt. and for the life of me i can't remember who it belongs to...*sigh* they say the mind is the first to go...i can see her face in my head, but i can't see her name...she even brought me cookies!!

KAY..it's kay's quilt!!! *geez*
having fun with feathers!!

keeping with the colors of the quilt- i quilted feathers in blue thread on the red, and feathers in red thread in the border
and it all shows up beautifully on the backer making it almost double sided :)

fyi- all my quilting is done 100% free handed, free motion.
happy new year!!

as i always say- may the best of your 2012 be the worst of your 2013!!

happy stitches

making it a home

so i have furniture for the living room!! i cannot tell you how happy i am to know that i won't have to look at our hand-me-down 80s couch much longer!! *squee*

i found a nice comfy couch and loveseat with two ottomans in a nice brushed twilly denim *sigh* i can't wait to fall asleep on it!!

those fufu floral pillows will be going buhbye...

one day, davis will hang the TV over the fireplace, but til then...

how to arrange the living room?  i want to be able to see the TV from the kitchen while cooking, doing dishes, etc....so i was thinking putting the couch facing the TV with the back to the kitchen and the loveseat at a 90degree angle with the back to the foyer with an end table in the corner...

any better ideas?

home for the holidays...

 so, what's the bestest present you've ever got for Christmas?

my second favorite would be when davis surprised us last year and was home at Christmas...

my first??

the house....that's right!! the sellers would be out of town on the closing date, so all parties crammed and we closed friday!!

merry christmas to us!!

that bowl of candy was hard to ignore!!

not as funny tomorrow


it was meant to be

let me explain-

so the closing date of the house is so very near (i can just about feel the weight of the keys in my hand) i have been perusing Craig's List looking for dining room tables....i want something farmhouse for the kitchen and something classic and modern for the formal dining room. (i love saying "formal dining room" it makes me feel very grown-up :) )

i saw this set and fell instantly in love!!

see this is our eat in kitchen- notice that it is basically oak with black appliances. LOVE the corner sink!! the table will live over there on the other side of the bar, by the two big windows...

see that table is perfect! oak and black!! the grandkids can use the bench while the grown ups sit in the chairs *PERFECT*

or so i thought....i contacted the seller to see if i could come look at the table and to my heart breaking dismay- it had been sold *frowny*

so today i was at Walmart (of all places) looking for something specific and just happened to walk down the aisle where the furniture is displayed.

i about broke my neck doing a double take! there was my table!!!!

it's killing me to not put it together...

i found this table for the formal dining room and i go look at it on saturday!!!

now i get to start looking for living room furniture!! can you say chaise lounge :)

i love finally having a house to shop for :)

healing with some simple stitches

 i'm sure that many are already aware of this, but i wanted to share just in case.

Quilter's Corner quilt shop in Milford, Connecticut, has requested help from the quilting community. They are collecting pillowcases for the children at Sandy Hook Elementary School. In order to get the pillowcases to the children right after Christmas break, they are requesting 600 pillowcases by December 27 so they will receive them by the deadline.
Pillowcases can be mailed directly to:
Quilter's Corner
312 Danbury Road
New Milford, CT 06776

If you need a pattern for a pillowcase with all seams enclosed, click here: http://quiltbug.com/PDF/hotdog.pdf

i made two...it makes it better knowing i did something, ya'know? 

wanna see something pretty?

 check out the sunset from tonight....so pretty., so many different colors, and the silhouette of the trees...

descisions, descisions

i am quilting my little arms off- i have quilted three quilts in the last two days and loaded the forth.

i am working on this huge irish chain top and started to get that burn between my shoulder blades and decided that i would finish the pass i was on and call it a day. then, i ran out of bobbin about 3/4 of the way across....*sigh*

so, do i change bobbins and finish the pass -OR- call it devine intervention??

(i changed bobbins and finished the pass)

quilt eye candy

 i found some pictures of quilts that went home back in october....and yall were such good sports with the buck picture...

kathy's two fan quilts.

i quilted them using the same motifs, just changing the thread color to match the outer borders.

madeline's quilt

i like her fabric choices for this quilt. i made notes and might borrow this design for a future batik quilt

madeline's other little quilt

it's a embroidered BOM. i admit, that log cabin setting took some thinking...i was trying to fit all sorts of complicated stuff in there (feathers) but it all competed too much with the embroideries. turns out the K.I.S.S. theory provided the answer.

i am learning that sometimes the 'simple' design is the best. everything doesn't need to be feathered to death...
jean's flower quilt

all those pieces!

denise's baby quilt

she wanted blue thread on that brown, and i was a bit scared that she might not like it

but she did *whew*

roxanne's mexican star quilt

i really liked this one, it's right up my alley with the bright colors and batiks

that's all for now....

keep on stitchin'